An Interview With The Viral Yachtie: Isabelle Verdien

In the whirlwind world of social media, Isabelle Verdien's video took flight, garnering millions of views on Instagram and TikTok. We caught up with Isabelle to discuss her unexpected journey from viral fame to the unique realm of yachting.

The Viral Video

Q: Your video went viral on Instagram and TikTok, reaching millions. How did it feel, and did you expect it?

A: “I never ever imagined it going viral, for me it was just a normal video haha. I’m so grateful that you shared the video because that’s what helped it going viral, and I got some great things coming out of it that you might see this year. I’m just super happy and grateful that people are so kind and are taking their time to listen and write nice things.”

Becoming a Yachtie

Q: How did you venture into yachting, and how long have you been in the industry?

A: “I’ve been working in the industry for soon 9 months, so I’m still in my first year, but it definitely changed my everyday life so much in such short time. I got in to the industry thanks to 2 of my friends who’s been working with yachting before and then both me and my sister got an ad from yachting Sweden on instagram and we looked it up and decided to do our courses and leave Sweden for a indeterminate time. Right now I’m on a 75+ m M/Y working as a Service Stew and that’s where I’ve been very fortunate to be able to perform on New Year’s Eve. I have special skills as florist and singer and that’s something I can recommend to really lift, your special skills that will make you stand out and bring something extra to the boat and the owner and guests.”

Musical Journey

Q: “When did you discover your love for music, and any influences shaping your style?

A: “I have the basic answer that a lot of singers do, I’ve been singing since I could start talking. It’s just always been what I wanted to do. You know when you ask kids what they want to be when they grew up, a lot of my friends said they wanted to take care of dolphins (I guess exotic for us living in the north haha), be doctors and so on. Mine was always to become a singer. I’m not really coming from a music family, my grandma was in a band before but that’s kind of it. I’m a sucker for singing sad songs, pop ballads is my main genre but I also love house and pop. I had mainly female musical influences. Grew up with loving Hannah Montana (Miley Cyrus) and wanted to become like her. I’ve always been very motivated by tv shows like idol, Americans got talent and the voice. It’s something emotional in me that just motivates every bone in me. I participated in Swedish Idol 2 times before when I was 16, and 18 (now 22), but I didn’t really perform as good as I wanted and now I would be very keen to try another singing show again to show my development.”

Future Plans

Q: Aspirations in yachting and music? Combining both passions?

A: “I feel like being in the yachting industry, you never know what tomorrow looks like haha. I try to take day by day and to always have goals. I would love to be able to combine yachting and music in the future, like more serious. Or be on a rotation where I can do 2 months yachting and 2 music. I love yachting but music is what makes me, me. So I would choose that career if I could really pursue it full time. Otherwise I’m just enjoying where I am right now but in the end of the year I hope to have accomplished more music goals.”

Challenges and Rewards

Q: Any obstacles pursuing both passions, and the most rewarding moments?

A: “I definitely struggle with focusing on my singing career since my job usually involves 12 hours of work etc. and small spaces where I can’t really get personal space or I will have to think about the “noice” to not disturb. No one ever said that I did everyone is super nice but you know, always have to think about people being on break, working nights and so on. But it’s nothing that I see as a bad thing, everything has its time. I really enjoy my job as well and I appreciate my small singing moments even more now.”

Dream Collaboration

Q: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?

A: “I’m very influenced by Zara Larsson, Beyoncé and Celine Dion. I will choose Zara Larsson since that’s been my dream since I was young. I had a fan page when I was younger, I met her, she followed me, commented my posts etc but the goal that was never fulfilled was to sing with her. She’s just outstanding, her talent can not be described. I would love to learn from her and to be able to sing next to her would be so big for me.”

Isabelle Verdien's journey unfolds from an ordinary video to a yachting adventure with a musical heartbeat. Navigating the unpredictability of both worlds, Isabelle stands as a testament to the power of passion and resilience. We look forward to witnessing her continued rise in both yachting and music. Thank you, Isabelle, for sharing your unfiltered story.


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