Palumbo SY Refit News Updates

The group & the shipyards network

2023 Edition of the Monaco Yacht Show saw the Palumbo Group stronger than ever, with the presence of an entire booth dedicated to the Refit & Repair network of shipyards spread all over the Mediterranean. Marseille, Malta, Messina, Naples, Ancona, Savona and Rijeka, 7 shipyards that count more than 600 yachts refitted just in the last 5 years, a network able to accommodate different sizes of vessels and bring together the best customized technical team foreach specific need.

What’s new: that’s all about Marseille!

Marseille shipyard, acquired by Palumbo’s family back in 2014, has definitely been the main character of this edition of the Monaco Yacht Show for Palumbo SY Refit: the shipyard represents the only support site served by watershed in southern France able to welcome vessels of all types and dimensions for refit, repair, maintenance and conversion. Indoor large heated workshops guarantee a non stop and comfortable working schedule throughout the year.

From structural to strategical updates, 2023 has represented a big chance for Marseille shipyard: renovated facilities, plus expanded and boosted crew services, such as dedicated accommodations and a full functional gym.

Ship Chandler & E-Commerce

Marseille Shipyard has just welcomed a brand new ship chandler that will serve the company e-commerce, reaching the French Riviera in just few hours and all the Med in 2-3 days. Competitive prices and real stock of products brings PalumboChandlery e-commerce to a completely new dimension of scale. Our customers, who already benefited from the shop based in Malta, will know be able to rely on ourservices all over the Mediterranean.

Refit Season 2023-24

The annual yacht show saw teams coming from all the shipyards of the network, gathering together in Monaco, visitors of Palumbo SY Refit booth had the chance to benefit from direct interaction with some of the most highly qualified managers of the Group.

From strengthening long-term partnerships to creating new ones, the Yacht Show has represented a big moment for the company, that will embrace the 2023/24 Refit season with some really interesting and challenging projects ahead.

Yard managers with a remarkable reputation in the industry, well-integrated sale steams and former captains blend into an international team proactively interacting with owner representatives and yacht managers worldwide in an ongoing dialogue for a consistently active support.

With a wide range of high-quality, warranty-protected and cost-effective services, our customers can rely on us for the most adequate execution of any kind of work in the finest tradition of engineering and ship-repair excellence.

MYS Roundtable

Palumbo SY Refit has welcomed with enthusiasm the chance to participate in the Round Table held on September 30 by the Monaco Yacht Show and SYT about the Sustainability in the Refit Industry and express the commitment its shipyard network has always put in place concerning this extremely relevant topic.

Mr. Paolo Balzano, Naples Shipyard General Manager, guided the audience in the discovery a solar plant that provides Malta Shipyard with up to 40% of its energy need, as well as of the pioneer project of a wind powered off shore station entirely realized in Naples shipyard as part of a series of R&D projects shared with the Nations Research Council.


The Enata Group unveils sleek foiling yacht Vatoz


Construction of the first Sirena 42M superyacht will begin this autumn