The Art of Sabrage - How To Open A Champagne Bottle With A knife |Onshore Cellars | YachtieWorld


*A daring way to open a Champagne Bottle. Napoleon is known to have said, "Champagne, in victory, you deserve it, in defeat, you need it." And he should know. As his light cavalry units stylishly charged around Europe in the early 19th century, they drank a lot of the stuff, or so legend states. 🎠 The cavalrymen used their sabers 🗡 to open champagne bottles when celebrating their victories, and this celebration technique still continues today. 🍾🎉

You'll need a champagne saber or any flat blunt object and a bottle of sparkling wine produced by méthode champenoise or méthode traditionelle. Other sparkling wines don't pack enough pressure to pull off the trick. The idea is not to slice or cut the glass but instead hit it right under the lip. This will make a tiny fracture in the glass. The pressure does the rest of the work, popping the top of the bottle off. I'll go ahead and tell you that under no condition do I encourage you to attempt to undertake this desperately dangerous display of pizzazz. Odds are you will end up looking like a muppet with a fistful of glass standing in a bubbly puddle.

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