Yachtie Feature: Nick Sleeman, aka @slezzz

In the realm where luxury meets the open sea, Nick Sleeman, better known as @slezzz, has elevated the yachting experience to an art form. Join us on a voyage into his world, where the thrill of yachting seamlessly intertwines with the magic of filmmaking.

Exclusive Interview with Nick Sleeman

Read further for the full interview

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey into the world of yachting?

“So I started yachting in 2017 and didn’t really know what to expect, to be honest!“

How did you develop an interest in filmmaking, and how do you incorporate it into your yachting experiences?

“With the film making I just started recording myself and guests on trips and made a video for fun, the owners found out about it and wanted to watch, and from that point, I started filming for guests. I taught myself How to edit over the years, YouTube really is amazing!”

What inspired you to pursue a career in yachting? Can you describe one of your most memorable moments or experiences while working on a yacht?

“I got into the industry following some friends and my brother. Their photos always looked amazing, so I went all in and never looked back. Most memorable moment, there are so many! Probably arriving in the Galápagos Islands, it was like something out of a movie, pinch myself moments every day I was there, to think I was being paid!

How do you blend your passion for filmmaking with your yachting career? What challenges and rewards do you find in capturing the essence of yachting through your films?

I love to film and record as much as possible. All these memories and moments put together into a mini movie are so great to look back on, my advice to anyone out there thinking of doing the same thing would be justto pick up a camera and film everything. On a yacht you see so many amazing places most people would pay so much to traveltoo and see.”

What does a typical day look like for you on board a yacht? Can you describe how living and working on a yacht has impacted your life and worldview?

“A typical day working and filming is pretty straightforward to any other yacht. You just get a bit longer to prep for trips, the editing at night time is the tough part, doing extra hours to get a quick film made for your guests who are only on board for a week can be tough but well worth the time put in once you put it together and see there faces as they get to watch there week back on the last night on board.”

How would you describe the community and culture among yachties? In what ways has working with a diverse crew and guests enriched your career?

“I do genuinely love the yachting industry, purely for the amazing people within it and the endless opportunities it gives people.”

What advice would you give to someone interested in pursuing a career in yachting?

“My advice for anyone looking to get into yachting would be if you enjoy seeing new places, learning new cultures, and meeting new people, then just go for it. You won’t regret it.

What skills or qualities do you think are essential for success in this field?

The skills essential for this kind of job is to have an open mind to any scenario in terms of where you will end up and how plans just change in an instance, also you have to graft hard, hard workers get rewarded in this industry.”

Why do you believe working as a yachtie offers the ultimate experience for like-minded individuals? How has your experience in yachting influenced your approach to filmmaking and storytelling?

“Working on a yacht and filming seems pretty easy until you really try telling a story, making a highlight movie is easy, telling a story is the hard part for sure and puts you out of your comfort zone, but I have learned so much filming over the years and still have so far to go! “

What are your future aspirations in both yachting and filmmaking? How do you plan to continue combining these two passions in the years ahead?

My personal goal in yachting is to get a rotational position on a yacht where filming is encouraged and, of course, has the itinerary to match. The world is a big place; I want to see it all!”

Nick’s journey as a yachting filmmaker is a testament to the harmonious intersection of passion and profession.

From the uncharted waters of his early yachting days to the cinematic masterpieces he crafts today, his story is a celebration of the extraordinary found in the everyday life of a yachtie. As he sets his sights on the vast horizons ahead, one can't help but be captivated by the allure of the cinematic seas he navigates.

Follow Nick on Instagram @SLEZZ for a visual feast of his yachting escapades!


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