Sandra Jordaan 🇿🇦
Available Course Dates
Confidently Manage Yacht Administration and Logistics
--in 8 weeks--
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Connect with Sandra
"If you want a limited career, have limited knowledge" - Tony Robbins.
Sandra Jordaan, also known as The Yacht Purser, embarked on her yachting career in 2006 after graduating from university, knowing that she would never be happy working a traditional 9-5.
After working on some of the busiest and most prestigious charter yachts in the industry and having travelled to all seven continents, during her ten-year career, Sandra is now a sought after yacht crew career coach, mentor and purser teacher. The Yacht Purser is a PYA Partner and proud She of the Sea Ambassador and Pledge Signatory. Sandra is also the 2020 partner for the Adrift Film Festival, a non-profit which celebrates yacht content creators and donations benefit YachtAid Global.
Why become a Yacht Purser?
If you are an experienced yachtie who is organized, has good communication skills, and understands that with great power comes great responsibility, then becoming a yacht purser may be a good idea for you. A yacht purser holds an exclusive and prestigious position onboard the world's finest mega yachts and giga yachts. Similar to a conductor of an orchestra, the yacht purser is the executive officer onboard who ensures that every department shines and thrives. A yacht purser is like a COO/CFO in one and liaises with yacht authority figures, guests, agents, brokers and is the first line of contact for the vessel.
What is a Yacht Purser?
A Yacht Purser is the administrative hub onboard a yacht, which is generally larger than 65m. This person works closely with and reports directly to the Captain in all aspects of the vessel, crew, and guest administration and logistics. Principally charged with the accounts onboard, their duties will include but not limited to: vessel clearance into ports, contracts, insurance, visas, transportation, secretarial duties, destination management, and concierge services, assisting the Captain with maritime legalities, orchestrating shipyard periods, and refits, ensuring the yacht's policies are adhered to, liaising with management companies, owners, agents, the flag state, shipyards and officials. A brilliant communicator, computer literate, and proficient in administration with a solid understanding of maritime legalities and accounting practices, the Purser is the go-to person for all yacht related management tasks.
Yacht Pursers should hold the IAMI G.U.E.S.T. Purser Certificate (introduced in 2020) and with enough sea time and an appropriate Leadership course, the IAMI Purser CoC.
With the rise of self-publishing, it is important to seek out accredited courses to ensure that the information you learn has been verified, trainers assessed and your certificate recognised in the industry.
How to become the ultimate yacht Purser?
The Ultimate Yacht Purser Course
Are you an aspiring yacht purser, newly qualified yacht officer, chief stewardess or a busy captain looking to gain valuable yacht administration skills to give your career a boost? You probably already know that you need to complete a yacht purser course at some point right?
The biggest hurdle that any crew member faces when trying to break into a new role is that they lack actual experience. Sandra created The Ultimate Yacht Purser Course out of both a love of teaching and imparting her extensive knowledge as well as the need for a course with practical content and assignments. After completing the course, it is as if students have had a full rotation onboard and is not just another certificate. Successful completion of the course will result in attainment of the IAMI G.U.E.S.T. accredited Purser Certificate, which is the first step to achieving the IAMI Purser CoC.
Safeguard your investment and learn from a purser you can trust who has:
Over 10 years of yachting experience as a chief stewardess and purser ✅
Travelled to all seven continents ✅
Extensive charter experience on leading charter and explorer yachts ✅
Managed one of the largest refits as a purser at MB 92 ✅
A life coaching certificate from Tony Robbins' school RMT ✅
Numerous university degrees and post-grad diplomas ✅
Completed a master's level project management course ✅
Business experience including risk management ✅
Are you ready to commit to improving your future in yachting?
Connect with Sandra to learn more about courses and career coaching.
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Sandra is know as both The Yacht Purser and The Yacht Crew Coach in the yachting community. Her last position on board was as rotational purser on a world-cruising 70m+ yacht ending mid-2018.
As The Yacht Purser, Sandra helps aspiring pursers gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills to excel in their purser role. With over ten years of experience onboard yachts and six years of tertiary education, including the superyacht management diploma, Sandra has combined all her knowledge and expertise to create an online yacht purser course that helps both ambitious Stews and Deck Officers who want to gain a competitive edge.
“Ahoy. Thank you for making it this far. Let me tell you a little bit about my journey. I am a Saffa for my sins. I only have a Green Mamba (South African passport) but that hasn't stopped me from travelling to all 7 continents (6 on boats!). My passion for travel was ignited by my father, who was an airline pilot. I have ticked over 60 countries off my bucket list and I hope to one day reach the 100 club.” - Sandra Jordaan
Sandra Jordaan interviews Vanilla Ice